World of warcraft legion icon
World of warcraft legion icon

world of warcraft legion icon

Malufrion Stormrage – Spent centuries in the Emerald Dream, returns in game as a neutral character.Kinndy Sparkshine – turned to dust in the destruction of Theramore.

world of warcraft legion icon

Arthas – turned into the Lich King, killed in Wrath.The gist tends to be on the Alliance side of things that major Alliance characters tend to either turn evil, die, or become neutral. From an Alliance perspective I can see this both equally frustrating and surprising. The biggest stories coming out of Legion so far, seem to be the deaths of Highlord Tirion Fordring and King Varian Wrynn. I will also cover spoilers within this post, so if you do not wish to know upcoming story advancements, look away now… Now that there’s more information available from the World of Warcraft Legion alpha, I feel suitably ready to be able to share my thoughts on the forthcoming changes to World of Warcraft.

World of warcraft legion icon