Fallout 2 early gun
Fallout 2 early gun

fallout 2 early gun

  • Klamath, Rat Caves: Found on the body a dead trapper near Keeng Ra'at.
  • Since ammunition modifiers are implemented correctly, the choice of ammunition matters: JHP is the way to go. CharacteristicsĪn excellent pistol until the player picks up something better at the Den or Modoc. The Colt 6520's durability, reliability, and simple design makes it very popular among wasteland denizens, for whom sophisticated high maintenance weapons would be a liability to survival.

    fallout 2 early gun

    The simple design of the gun allows it to be easily manufactured with relatively basic equipment, making it possible to be replicated in workshops in the post-nuclear world. It proved to be resistant to the desert-like conditions of the post-nuclear wasteland and is a fine example of workmanship and quality construction (at least for the pre-War models, which became more scarce over time). The Colt 6520 10mm autoloading pistol is a highly durable and efficient weapon developed by Colt Firearms prior to the Great War. Their ruggedness, reliability, and firepower made them a popular choice among wastelanders and thus a staple of wasteland firefights. They were used extensively by the Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and Lasers, while in the military such pistols were being phased out in favor of energy weapons. To modify, please edit the source page.ġ0mm pistols are sidearms using the 10mm ammunition that was common before the Great War. The following section is transcluded from 10mm pistol.

    Fallout 2 early gun